
Summary of Exodus 6

God assured Moses He will deliver the Israelites from the burden of the Egyptians and bring them to the land he promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses was instructed to pass this message of hope to both the Israelites and king Pharaoh. Moses was worried that Pharaoh will not hearken to him like the Israelites also, nevertheless God told him to speak the message to Pharaoh Questions 1. Which of God's name was not known according to verse 3? 2. Who are the parent of Moses and Aaron? 3. Why did Moses say Pharaoh will not listen to him according to verse 30 Lessons 1. God with his mighty hands will give us our freedom (6:1) 2. Always give God's charge to his people (6:13) 3. Every family has a head (6:14) God bless you!

Summary of Exodus 5

Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and asked him to let Israel go and worship God but Pharaoh refused. Rather, he commanded that more work be laid on the Israelites. They were to gather straws for themselves and make bricks. The people cried out and blamed Moses and Aaron. Moses returned to God seeked His face on the issue.  Questions1 . What was Moses' message to Pharaoh?  2. What was Pharoah's reply to Moses 3.What extra burden did Pharoah place on the Israelites? Lessons 1. Always deliver God's message(5:1) 2.Work takes us to various places(5:12) 3.Always return to the Lord in times of challenges(5:22)

Summary of Exodus 4

God gave Moses many signs to display when he meets Pharoah and the Isrealites so they will believe He sent him and let Israel go.  Nevertheless Moses' fear prompted God to send Aaron with him as a spokesman.  Moses went with his family to Egypt and the people believed and worshipped God after the signs God's promises to give them freedom.  Questions 1. What waa the first sign God performed with Moses' rod?  2. Who is Aaron to Moses?  3. What striking thing did Zipporah do to save Moses.  Lessons 1. God's wonder and miracle is for us to believe in him (4:5)  2. God will teach us what to say when he sends us (4:12)  3. God sees our affliction and will give us victory (4:31) Got

Summary of Exodus 3

God appeared to Moses in a burning bush while he kepth his father in law's flock and told him he wants to deliver Israel from their afflictions in Egypt. God promised to go with Mses and bring Israel to a land flowing with milk and honey. The king of Egypt will not let them go but God will show forth his wonders and grant Israel favour. Questions 1. What is the name of Moses' father in law? 2. What was Moses to introduced God as? 3. What will God give the Isarealites in the sight of the Egyptians? Lessons 1. God's presence is holy (3:5) 2. God sees our afflictions and will deliver us (3:7) 3. God will smite our enemies (3:20)

Summary of Exodus 2

Moses' mother hid him by the river side to save him from been killed by Pharaoh. He was found by Pharaoh's daughter who took him as her child. Moses later ran away from Egypt to Midian because he killed an Egyptian striving with an Israelite. He later married the daughter of the priest of Median.  God heard the weeping of the Israelites and helped them. Questions 1. How many months did Moses' mother hid him? 2. Why did Pharaoh's daughter call him Moses? 3. What is the name of Moses' wife? Lessons 1. Always protect your children (2:2) 2. People are always watching your actions (2:14) 3. God will hear your prayers and remember you (2:24)

Summary of Exodus 1

After the death of Joseph, Israel continued to prosper in Egypt. Nevertheless, a new King arose that afflicted the Israelites with hard labour. Their male children were to be killed on delivery but God averted all the evil plans through the Hebrew midwives. Questions 1. How many souls came out of the loins of Jacob? 2. What was the command the king gave to the Hebrew midwives? 3. How did God reward the midwives? Lessons 1. You shall be fruitful and mighty (1:7) 2. Affliction will not stop our multiplication (1:12) 3. Fear God and avoid doing evil (1:17)

Summary of Genesis 50

After the death of Jacob, Joseph and the entire Egypt mourned intensively. As requested, Jacob was buried in Canaan in the cave of Maphpelah which Abraham bought for a burying place. Joseph forgave and  nourished his brethren and later died. Questions 1. How many days did the Egyptians mourn Jacob? 2. The town Atad was later called what? 3. How old was Joseph when he died? Lessons 1. Obey your father's request on his death bed(50:5) 2. Forgive!!!(50:17) 3. God will surely visit you(50:25)